They Called Her Molly Pitcher

They Called Her Molly Pitcher

My children don't like stories of war. When I read They Called Her Molly Pitcher, my son had his hands over his ears. Yet history often contains the story of wars and this picture book introduces one the characters of the Revolutionary War.

Molly "Pitcher" Hays was a Pennsylvanian woman who followed her husband to Valley Forge and the Battle of Monmouth. Like many other wives, she supported her husband and his fellow soldiers in camp. But Molly became famous for her deeds on the battlefield as she carried water to the men and even took the place of a slain soldier to fire a cannon.

My favorite part of this book was the illustrations which were painted on canvas in a folk art style and crackle glazed to give the appearance of age. I used the book as a springboard to discuss ways a wife can assist her husband. And in the end, I think the children did enjoy They Called Her Molly Pitcher with ears uncovered!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gina, Your review of Molly Pitcher reminded me of our homeschool days. (my kids are 24 and 25 now;) I made the kids make a journal of famous Americans. Each entry would be from the perspective of a different famous American on a specific (notable) date in history. My daughter insisted that Molly Pitcher couldn't have written in her journal on that date because she had to take over for her husband. Therefore she couldn't do the assigment! Those were the good ol' days! Savor the moments with your little ones.
    BTW....there is a Molly Pitcher monument in our town.



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